OUR Mission

At Queens Park School of Music, our core values are respect, inclusivity, fairness and positivity.

We celebrate the diversity of both our clientele and employees and are proud to be based in a highly diverse, creative and friendly community such as Glasgow’s Southside.

Our mission is to create a community-oriented, collaborative place for music learning and artistic exploration.

We believe music is for everyone, regardless of gender, race, beliefs or social standing, and that the only barrier to learning should be one's motivation to succeed. All ages and skill levels are welcome at Queens Park School of Music. Our teachers can help you achieve your goals whatever they may be. Whether to become a professional, jam in your garage with pals, play your favourite songs around a campfire, or anything in between! We also strongly value nurturing young minds and helping children to release their creative potential. Learning an instrument has been proven to contribute to positive academic, social and emotional outcomes for children of all ages. Music at its most fundamental level is expression. It can therefore aid in emotional health and contribute to general feelings of well-being. If you are unsure of your, or your child’s musical goals, but still want to experience playing music, our teachers can help you set realistic and simple goals or just inspire you in a low-pressure and fun learning environment.

At Queens Park School of Music, we also strongly support fair pay and working conditions for musicians and all arts/entertainment sector workers. We are proud to compensate our teachers in line with the Musicians Union's recommended rates of pay for instructors. This may mean that our lessons are among the higher priced in the market. However, you will find that the quality of our instructors reflects this. We value our teachers highly and believe it is right to compensate them appropriately, based on their years of hard work, practise and experience. Our aim is that these standards contribute to creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere, where students feel comfortable, and inspired to reach(or exceed!) their musical goals, express themselves and ultimately have fun!

Expand Your Creativity

Let your imagination run wild though the magic of musical expression!

Build your confidence

Learning an instrument can be intimidating. Let our experienced teachers guide you through every stage of the process.

Realise your potential

Let us help you reach your musical goals, whatever they may be!